The goal of this blog is trying to find out what is the Ladoum breed (race). It is not an easy job since there are only few scientific papers about Ladoum sheep.
The Ladoum sheep belongs to the group of the Mauritanian short-haired sheep. According to Abou Kane, it is a crossbreed of Mauritanian Touabire with Malian Bali-Bali1.
The Ladoum sheep has a good bone structure, a broad pelvis, and a nicely convex forehead. Ladoum sheep are hypermetric, and long-limbed.
Considering the height at withers [HaW], the thoracic perimeter [TP], and the liveweight [LW], we can classify the Ladoum sheep as a large sized animal.
The height at withers HaW of females is 96.07 ± 1.73 cm, and the one of males is 105.75 ± 2.21 cm. The length of the body is 94. ± 2,.4 cm for females, and 102 ± 0.81 cm for males, The length of the muzzle is 19 ± 3.53 cm for females, and is 23. ± 5.06 cm for males. The sexual dimorphism is very strong. Most females have horns (62.93 %), and strong udders.
The coat is mainly white (23.61%) or piebald black & white(63.89%)2.
Abou Kane, the great Senegalese Ladoum breeder, also describes the standard Ladoum as a sheep that is both large and beautiful. It is a cultural matter in Sénégal to like very large and beautiful sheep1. In French: Le Ladoum standard c'est le mouton qui est à la fois grand et beau avant tout c'est un aspect culturel car au Sénégal nous aimons avoir dans nos enclos des moutons très grands et super beaux. Abou Kane Interview
Diack Falou et all. Étude de quelques Charactéristiques Morphobiométriques de la Race Ladoum du Sénégal. International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/13017.
Prof. Dr. Jacques E. Boillat is a retired professor for Computer Sciences. Jacques E. Boillat has been studying Mathematics, Theoretical Pysics, and Philosophy at the University of Berne, in Switzerland. He has been teaching at the University of Applied Sciences in Berne for more than twenty years, and at the University of the Gambia from 2006 to 2020. His wife Lenna Correa Boillat is owner of the Shepherd's Farm in Bato Kunku.